Comparison of subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction for natural product isolation

October 30, 2021


The extraction of natural products is a crucial step in many industries, including food, fragrance, and pharmaceuticals. Two popular extraction methods used in this process are subcritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid extraction. In this blog post, we will provide a comparison between these methodologies and their effectiveness in natural product isolation, using factual information and data when possible.

Subcritical Fluid Extraction

Subcritical fluid extraction (SFE) involves the passage of a fluid (usually carbon dioxide) through a sample material at a temperature and pressure that is below its critical point. This technique is widely used in the food industry for extracting natural flavorings and fragrances from various plant sources.

One significant advantage of SFE is its ability to extract high yields of volatile and thermally sensitive compounds. Moreover, SFE is a mild technique as it operates at relatively low temperatures and pressures, making it an environmentally friendly methodology.

However, SFE has some limitations. The low polarity of carbon dioxide results in poor solubility for some polar compounds, and the high capital cost of equipment is a significant challenge for small-scale businesses.

Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Supercritical fluid extraction (SCE) is similar to SFE, but the extraction process is carried out at a temperature and pressure higher than the critical point of the fluid. The critical point is the temperature and pressure where the fluid's separate liquid and gas phases merge.

Supercritical carbon dioxide is the most commonly used fluid in the SCE extraction method. It has better solvent properties for polar compounds and can achieve higher yields than SFE. Furthermore, the separation of the solvent from the extracted compound is easier in SCE due to the lower viscosity of supercritical fluids.

However, SCE requires higher operating temperatures and pressures than SFE, which can lead to increased energy consumption and operating costs. Furthermore, the corrosive properties of carbon dioxide can damage the equipment, which is another limitation of this methodology.


In terms of extraction efficiency, SCE has been shown to achieve higher yields and purity of extracted compounds than SFE. However, SFE is more suitable for extracting volatile and thermally sensitive compounds.

Additionally, SCE has better solubility for polar compounds, making it more versatile in the natural product isolation process. However, SCE also requires a high operating cost due to energy consumption and higher equipment costs.


Both SFE and SCE are effective methodologies for natural product isolation, but they have unique abilities and limitations. SFE is gentle and effective for volatile and thermally sensitive compounds but may have low solvency for polar compounds. On the other hand, SCE has higher solvency for polar compounds, but its high operating costs and potential equipment damage may limit its practical use.

In summary, the choice of extraction method depends on the specific needs of the application. It is essential to consider factors such as the type of natural product, desired yield, and purity, as well as equipment and operating costs when selecting an appropriate methodology.


  • Kulkarni, V. M., & Rathod, V. K. (2015). Recent advances in subcritical water extraction of nutraceuticals and other valuable constituents from plants. Food Chemistry, 183, 90-98.
  • Reverchon, E. (2018). Supercritical Fluid Extraction: A Review. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 134, 3-23.

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